Basic AP Style Guide for Legacy Publications
•All mascots are capitalized
•First mention every person receives title and full name and are capitalized
—–Band President Mark Walberry
—–Freshman Jordan Herrod
—–Principal Shelly Butler
EXCEPTION TO RULE: Use number for a person’s grade in pull quotes and captions (Jordan Herrod, 9)
•Next mention adults keep their title – students trim to last name
—–Mr. Wright
•In captions, use the # for a student’s grade
•All women teachers: Use Ms. For title, unless asked person requests different
•Name of clubs are capitalized
•Legacy High School does not trim to LHS, however, Legacy is acceptable
•Lady Broncos is never to be used
•Journalism adviser not advisor
•Use “boys” for males or men and “girls” for females or women
•Team names do not have apostrophes
—–girls volleyball
—–boys basketball
•Formal names of committees are capitalized
—–Campus Improvement Committee
—–Jones created a party committee for the …
•Names of books, newspapers, movies, magazines and other publications are in quotes
•Class grades are not capitalized
•Use an apostrophe for plurals in grades
—–Jones had more A’s on the final exam than last year.
•Do not use Mansfield in front of other district schools
—–Summit High School
•Do not use SHS or THS, however Mansfield High School trims to MHS but not Mansfield
•Timberview is one word
•Lake Ridge is two words
•Summit has one t
•Use full name of other Mansfield schools
—–Janet Brockett Elementary School
•Use “international” students not “foreign students”
•Texas and other state names are always spelled out – never use TX or Tx , even in an address
•internet is not capitalized
•Use former in place of EX: former football coach not ex-football coach
•Names of halls in Legacy High are not capitalized unless specific
—–Smith moves to the academic hall from the elective side of the building
•Use theater not theatre (unless theatre is used as a building in which a production takes place – in Legacy’s case refer to theatre as the PAC)
•In captions or cutlines use the following method
—–front row, second row, third row, back row
—–do not capitalize
—-go from left to right but don’t print “left to right)
•When using titles with names in a list use the following method
—–John Smith-treasurer, James McKinnon-president, Macy Bowen-vice president . . .
•pep rally is two words
•winter guard and color guard are two words and should be used in the place of “flag girls” or “flag line”
• StuCo – not STUCO, Stuco
• field goal, touch down, half time are two words
• Drill team should be Silver Spurs when possible or drill team
• L.U.C.K. Week (with periods, all caps)
•kick line=cheer, kickline=dance