Photo in a Bag

Today in Journalism was one of my favorite lessons. I throw things (see list below) in 5-8 bags. Students break into teams of 4 to 5. They use the materials in the bag to create and set up a photo. I give a category each round. For example, round one is the rule of thirds, round two is leading lines etc. I allow them to use their phones. Then within the timeframe they will post their photos at the front of the room as a gallery and I vote for the best. The competition gets heated and fun. I’m always amazed at how they improve over the length of the game.

What’s in the Bags?

  1. Rubber Ducks
  2. Army Men
  3. Trolls
  4. Office Supplies
  5. PlayDough
  6. Plastic Fruits
  7. Deck of cards, dice
  8. Silk flowers

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