Selling Business Ads

All publication classes went out to sell business ads today. We find it difficult in a 5-high school town to sell business ads. The trick is when the student knows the business owner – like a friend’s parents. Here are the steps I use to sell ads.

We don’t sell designed business advertisements in the yearbook. This allows more coverage of students. We list our “patrons” in the index of businesses who purchased an ad. We do, however, sell ads for the online newspaper. These are 400px by 400px.

  1. Students sign up for the business they want to sell to.
  2. I spend a class period talking about the pitch and how to be professional and confident.
  3. On the day of selling, students must dress nice or wear a journalism shirt.
  4. I email parents a week before to let them know their students will be off campus.
  5. Students may only go in pairs. No car has more than two students.
  6. Once they complete a sale, the business completes this form.
  7. The business can send a check or pay through our online newspaper donation site.

Walsworth has a way to collect business ads and payments as well.


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