Today editors broke the class into smaller groups to go over basic story structures and read examples (both good and bad). Many students from Journalism 1 have a hard time getting started. This project always helps and builds confidence.
Today editors broke the class into smaller groups to go over basic story structures and read examples (both good and bad). Many students from Journalism 1 have a hard time getting started. This project always helps and builds confidence.
Yes, it seems like we just started the school year, but it’s time to start the recruiting process for next year. I have key friends
Before the final exam on graphic design in J1, I have students cut though magazines to find design elements. They glue them to the assignment
Because we are doing a big push this month for yearbook sales, we’ve been pretty general with our marketing. Until now. We got the cover
We are nearing the end of the grading period, so today was “your kid may fail” emails. And parents love these! Haha. I sent emails
We’ve been around long enough, everyone thinks you’re an expert. I still feel like I’m figuring it out daily, but my Fine Arts Director thinks