Speed Dating

Journalism 1

Today in J1 we continued to work on interviewing and talking to people. The goal of speed dating is to make students comfortable talking to people and finding questions that get others talking. We voted for the most interesting person in the class. As a bonus, I secretly ask a student coming into the room to lie during the game. They are a mole. I don’t tell the class until during the debrief after speed dating. If they can guess the mole, I’ll buy donuts next class. This is a good segway into ethics and Shattered Glass – which we will start next class.

Behind the Scenes

I worked with our athletics department on any new policies or procedures for getting students on the field for football games. Someone before me really hurt our athletic department. They seem to make hoops harder, higher and more interesting each year. I prefer to get the correct way to do things than ask for forgiveness later.

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Shattered Glass

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Speed Dating

Journalism 1 Today in J1 we continued to work on interviewing and talking to people. The goal of speed dating is to make students comfortable

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Procedures Day

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Interviewing Games

Journalism 1 Today was a fun day of practicing interviewing (having a conversation). We played head, shoulders, knees, toes, cup (or rubber duck). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgcrdPAHaLA The

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